Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Christmas in School

Christmas in School

3 December 2024 (by helena steeples (hsteeples))

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us in the run up to Christmas!

On Friday 6th December, we will be holding our Secret Santa event. This is a wonderful occasion seeing the children carefully selecting and wrapping their gifts for family, friends and pets. Please see separate communication from your fund-raising team with information on what your child will need to bring with them.

Our Post Box is under our very sparkly Christmas tree. Children can deliver their cards into the post box, clearly marked with the full name and class where they wish them to be delivered.

On Wednesday 11th December our catering team will be serving a delicious Christmas Dinner for pupils, staff and governors. On this day, pupils may wear their Christmas jumpers.

Our KS1 pupils are busy preparing for their annual nativity production. Due to heating problems at Church, we will be holding this special event in school on Tuesday 17th December at 2.15pm. Please note due to this event being held in school and limited seating available, only parents and grandparents of KS1 pupils are asked to attend.

On the afternoon of Wednesday 18th December, our fund-raising team will be helping the children make magical reindeer food in preparation for Christmas Eve.

Thursday 19th December is our Pantomime and theatre trip day. Pupils in Class 3 will be going to the theatre in the morning to see A Christmas Carol. All pupils in Class 3 will need to bring a packed lunch with them on this day.

Class 1 & Class 2 pupils be will going to Derby Arena to see Cinderalla in the afternoon on 19th December and will have a meal before they depart at 1pm. Children should be arriving back at school at approximately 4:15pm. Parents should collect children from the main school entrance. Please keep an eye on School Jotter on this afternoon, as we will share any updates on arrival times if we need to.

Christmas Parties will take place on Friday 20th December and pupils may come in party clothes for the last day of term. Children may wear non-uniform for this event, but please avoid high heels and very flimsy clothing as the games are sometimes quite energetic and there will be an outside playtime! Party food will be provided at lunchtime for children ordering a school meal. Sandwiches can be brought and eaten at the party if preferred.

Finally, we would like to invite everyone to Carols Around the Tree on Friday 20th December at 2.30pm.

School closes on Friday 20th December for the Christmas break and will reopen on Tuesday 7th January 2025

From everyone at Church Broughton and across the Dove Federation, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas.