Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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Welcome from the Headteacher


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Church Broughton C of E Controlled Primary School.

We are very proud of our small, rural village school. Our motto ‘Care, Believe, Succeed’ really does sum up what we are all about. We are a community which cares about every member within it, we believe that every child deserves the very best education and every child should be enabled to succeed, not just academically, but socially and emotionally too.

As a Church of England School, we have strong links with St. Michael and All Angels Church, located within our village. The close proximity means that our children make regular visits, to celebrate various dates in the Christian calendar as well as using it to learn more about the Christian faith. Our most recent SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection (2020) graded us ‘Good’ in all areas – an outcome we are very proud of as we feel it represents our care of, and commitment to, the children in our school.

Despite its size, we feel that our school can offer your child a huge range of opportunities. We aim to nurture your child’s interests as well as instill a love for learning which will remain with them for life. We encourage a love for the outdoors – our location is ideal for this and our school grounds have recently been developed to appeal to all children’s imaginations and adventurous spirits.

We are very lucky to have a supportive and active PTA. The Church Broughton Fundraising Team work extremely hard to organise a wide range of events through the year. These events help to raise money for those ‘extras’ such as more computing equipment and transport for school trips.

Choosing a school for your child is a huge decision to make and this challenge can be eased if you have all the information you need. Our website aims to tell you all about our school and the provision we can make for your child. Of course, no website can ever be a substitute for actually visiting a school and meeting the children and staff, so please do make an appointment if you would like to see us in action.

Kind regards

Andrew Rudge

 Pupils understand the values of tolerance and respect because these are promoted well by the curriculum.