Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
  2. News
  3. Upcoming events after Easter

Upcoming events after Easter

31 March 2023 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

From all at school, we hope you have a restful Easter.

Upcoming events to be reminded of:

Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th April - Parent Consultations - please check your child's bag for your appointments times.

Wednesday 19th April - Whole school photo - please make sure children are in full uniform for this. This will be an exciting day as children will also be tasking part in magic and circus skills workshops.

Friday 21st April - Dress down and donate day - children can come in non-school uniform: we ask that they bring donations of quality used or new toys, bottles (wine, bubble bath etc) and any other items that could be prizes for a tombola.

Parents of children in Class 2 and 3 - please remember that PE is changing with Class 3 needing to wear PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays and Class 2 wearing PE kits on Tuesdays. Swimming will start for Class 2 on the second Tuesday.

Monday 1st May - May Day - it will be great to see as many of you as possible for our annual celebrations. Extra special this year as it is the school's 50th anniversary.